Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Block Defence in Football

For the purpose of this post on the Block Defence in football the example in the following session will be presented for a 4-4-2. The Block Defence in football can be adapted to any system of play.

The following session was used to pass a high level European football coaching licence and was planned by Peter North. The session topic for examination was to plan and conduct a session aimed at full team defence in football.

 Defensive organization of the 4-4-2

The objective of the session is to organize the 4-4-2 as a defensive block. The Block Defence in football is used to coordinate quickly the full 11 behind the ball and concentrated in a well organized way.

Warm up

-Jogging,sprints, basic ball work etc
-1v1 on one goal
defenders pass to attacker who must then pass the defender to score, refresh basic 1v1 principles.

The reasoning of having a 1v1 warm up drill is to refresh and focus the basic principles of defending in a 1v1 situation. 1v1 will be worked on during the session as it relates to the position of the ball, the position of the opponents and the areas of space which are attacked by the opponent.
Why has the session focused on defending as a block?
Block defending is a variation on zone defending, by organising players into blocks rather than individual zones players can learn the roles they must play while defending in a given formation. All that is required is to simplify the principles of defending for that system into roles and responsibilities.
The block system is based on organising defending units based on maximising the principles of defensive play:
1.    Delay
2.    Depth
3.    Balance
4.    Concentration
5.    Control/Restraint
This done by using a series of progressive drills, small sided games, phase of play and coaching in the game which focuses on coaching aspects of play based on how they relate to the unit. The methods focus their coaching points within the activities in the following way:
1.    The role of the first defender pressuring the player on the ball(1v1)
2.    The role of the second defender to provide cover for the first defender and prevent runs of the supporting player for the opponent on the ball such as a player overlapping a player on the ball(2v2)
3.    The role of the second, third and fourth defender in covering the space against the nearest supporting players of the opponent in this case three players in a supporting block(3v3).
4.    The movement and communication of a block of four against the opponents block of four (4v4).
The starts by working the defending back four in one block then working the midfield block and then integrating the two into a block of 8 and focusing on how to cover each block.
All of the above aspects 1v1,2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 are worked on focusing on how they relate to working in a block of 8 at the same time as integrating the goalkeeper in  phase of play.
This the followed by coaching in the game which is based on integrating the attacking players with the block of 8 creating a whole 4-4-2 block in order to defend.
Patterns and specific shifts specific for the 4-4-2 which are based on constricted space and keeping numerical superiority around the ball in your own half.

Session Phase 1-Block Defending in a 4-4-2 with a focus on the Back Four and Midfield Blocks

Activity 1-The Back Four

SSG-The Back Four

Area-Defensive Third
Organization- set up four different cones-red,white,blue and yellow(or what ever you have), put these out in the positions the back four would be in. Try to make distance between realistic.
Performance of activity- Shout out a cone for example Red, the player will then move to PRESSURE the cone while the other three move to cover.
Coaching Points
1.Body position when pressuring in relation to supporting players.
2.Organisation of the 3 support players along the 1 up 3 back method.
3. Comminication.

Progression- SSG

Area-Defending Third
Organization-Add a player onto each of the cones, add a one small goal behing each defender.
Performance of Activity- Players on the cones must attempt to pass the the ball through one of the small goals.
Coaching Points
Coach the above but add:
1-Pressuring the ball, Where to SHOW the Player inside or outside.
2-Deny penetration, Bend runs,etc
3-Support and balance.
4-Moving when the ball does.

Activity 2-Midefield Block

SSG-The Midfield Four

Area-Midfield Four
Organization- set up four different cones-red,white,blue and yellow(or what ever you have), put these out in the positions the back four would be in. Try to make distance between realistic.
Performance of activity- Shout out a cone for example Red, the player will then move to PRESSURE the cone while the other three move to cover.
Coaching Points
1.Body position when pressuring in relaion to supporting players.
2.Organisation of the 3 support players along the 1 up 3 back method.

Progression- SSG

Area-Midfield Third
Organization-Add a player onto each of the cones, add a one small goal behind each defender.
Performance of Activity- Players on the cones must attempt to pass the the ball through one of the small goals.
Coaching Points
Coach the above but add:
1-Pressuring the ball, Where to SHOW the Player inside or outside.
2-Deny penetration, Bend runs,etc
3-Support and balance.
4-Moving when the ball does.

The use of 4v4 small sided games and drills in this phase is designed to be “global” in nature. Working on all four performance aspects as they relate to the system and aim, this is done as follows:
·         Fitness is worked on by repeating the movement to create stress on the aerobic system.
·         Technical aspects are worked on by focusing on 1v1defending principles as above.
·         Tactical aspects are also worked as outlined above with the focus on the block.
·         Psychological aspects are worked on by focusing on the mentality to press ,communication, concentration and decision making.

Session Phase 2-Defending as a Block of 8 adding Back Four to Midfeiled Four.

Activity-Phase of Play 11v8+1GK

Area-Full Pitch
Organization- set up the block of 8 and integrate the above two activities.
Performance of Activity- 11 attackers after starting in their own half must attempt to break down the block of 8, upon losing possession the play is re-set and repeated. If you have done the previous phase of the session correctly the block will be very difficult to attack.
Coaching Points
1-Integrate the role of the GK
2-1 up 3 back in midfield with support, when a midfield player pressure the ball the correspondig defender covers the SPACE behind.
3-Pressure,Cover and Balance.
4-Remaining compact.
5-Devolop timing and rythem in defensive SHIFTS.

Session Phase 3- 11v11 Integrate the strikers and focus on Defensive SHIFTS to create numerical superiority around the ball

Activity-Coaching in a Full Game working on team Patterns and Organization

Area-Full Pitch
Organization-11 attackers must attempt to attack the 4-4-2 with EVERY defending player working together as a Block.
Performance of Activity-Defenders must defend with there Block Mentality.When possession of the bal is lost attack re-sets in own half.
Coaching Points
1-Integrate the strikers with the block of 8, work on dropping into midfield and preventing back passing and inviting the Opponent in oen direction to make play predictable.
2-Defensive SHIFTS to create numerical superiority around the ball in own half.

The aims of this aspects of the session are to integrate all of the above and work on patterns of play which are specific to defending as a 4-4-2 with a focus on :
1.    Shifts for numerical superiority around the ball in own half.
2.    The role of strikers in dropping to press in the midfield.
3.    Working on coaching moments in real games situations which aim to further improve understanding of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 in different areas of the pitch as they relate to in game defensive tactics for the 4-4-2.
The aim of this session is to create a format which can coach the basic tactical elements of 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4. At the same time the format enables the defence, midfield and attack to be integrated thus allowing for the principles of play in defending to maximise and the refined specifically for the 4-4-2.


Remove the re-set condition and integrate basic organization for set plays.

Refine points of previous activity to further enhance the quality of your defence in football situations.

Finish with free play and cool down of choice.

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